Saturday, July 01, 2006


My broadband internet connection is down and has been for quite a few days now. I'm getting quite annoyed and am seriously considering changing providers, as the customer services department of my provider has also been unavailable recently. This , alongside my marking, explains my lack of blogging! Today I am using a dial up and VERY slow internet connection.

But, I had to tell you my news so I have struggled here! The York Notes which I told you about a while ago are now due out in September. My editor said they'd gone to print earlier this month. She sent a copy of the cover to me but my email account swallowed it so I can't post it, not that I'd even try with this connection. I'm not having much luck with computers nowadays!

I also heard back from the agent regarding my teen/ crossover novel One of a Kind. The book had improved, they said, but they want more to be done and they've suggested some more revisions. I'm taking this all to mean a positive thing as they intimated that it had potential and they wanted it to be as good as possible.

I will get to that after my marking. Hope you are all enjoying this glorious sunshine. I'm indoors marking.....