Today I felt inspired to write a poem about deception, how a woman is metaphorically stabbed in the back with a knife by someone who once loved her. This pierces through to her bleeding heart. The culprit gains in the short term but pays a heavy price. It is about how individuals trade their integrity or soul for gain! It is a work of fiction I hasten to add but one no doubt to which we can all relate!! See if you can figure out the play on words in the first line. Enjoy.
He smiles and he lies
His arms around me
A coiling snake
His tongue forked like a devil's
In sin
Sweet utterances
While harsh words
Stab in the back
A knife bleeds through
Back and heart
Shattering the peace
At a cost
The price of a soul.
He smiles and he lies
His arms around me
A coiling snake
His tongue forked like a devil's
In sin
Sweet utterances
While harsh words
Stab in the back
A knife bleeds through
Back and heart
Shattering the peace
At a cost
The price of a soul.