I am in the middle of my Christmas holidays (I use the term 'holidays' loosely as I have a ton of work to do what with my MA assignment and my Collins work and another potential publishing project). In the midst of this, I have managed to see The Day the Earth Stood Still which is a remake of the 1951 sci fi film starring Keanu Reeves, whom I have to admit having once had a crush on! Well the film was a bit of a disappointment, maybe because sci fi isn't my thing but probably more likely because the story wasn't very strong. Special effects were okay but the idea of an alien coming to Earth to save it from us humans whilst moderately believable, became unbelievable once he started to change his mind, and for me, the moment Keanu Reeves' character used his finger tip ( I kid you not) to fix a phone line, the film lost what little credibility it had.
Aside from film watching, I have been to visit some relatives and experienced crazy Christmas shopping fever. It is the Christmas season after all and shopping malls are crazy crazy wild, in case you hadn't noticed.
Amongst my shopping experiences is the Woolworths' Sale which I ventured into this week- to anyone thinking of going, a word of advice: don't. You wouldn't think the shop was closing down based on the discounts.
And what with all this time off, I have had time to consider things- life, work and everything, and I have come to the conclusion that sometimes you just have to go for what you want or in the wonderful words of Starsky and Hutch- just do it!