My opportunities to post have been minimal because of my awful problems with the internet recently. However I am dropping by to fill you in on my writing progress.
I am presenty sitting in the university library reading for my next assignment. To this end I am reading Andrew Melrose's useful and informative book Write for Children and a whole host of other texts like Signs of Childness in Children's Books. I just wish I had more time to read. It would have been great to have done the course in a year without the constraints of work but needs must.
I've got some fiction books to read also. Amongst them Can you Hear Me? by Penny Kendal and The Leap by Jonathan Stroud. I'm in the middle of Henry Tumour by Anthony McGowan which I really can't recommend enough. It's fab so far and I anticipate a really sad ending.
I'll leave you with a quote from Freud: 'The creative writer does the same as a child at play.'
Well, I knew there was a reason I liked writing!