I am in Wales at the moment visiting family and have just watched two programmes that centred on antiques. It got me thinking about what antiques I might have lurking in my house, so when I get back home I intend to venture up to my attic and fish down an old clock that is up there- rather bashed and neglected.
I also want to rummage through my side board drawers for the china plates I have come by over time. I may even dig deep and find the stamps I used to collect (and postcards)... who'd have thought it?
I think I'm secretly a bit of a magpie. Okay, not so much now as I used to be, but I think that's because my writing has taken over my magpie instincts. Writing is all about observing and collecting isn't it?
In any case, I've never been to a proper auction and I'm not seriously considering selling the stuff, just thought it might be worth getting it valued. Who knows? If it comes to a tidy sum, I may just go to the Caribbean, or, if I'm feeling sensible, put it away for the MA course I start in September!
Oh yes, that reminds me... writing, must get back to it.
**** NEWS FLASH ****
My GCSE York Notes on Journey's End are ranked 18 out of 16,857 GCSE books on Amazon's bestsellers' list! I've only just discovered this wonderful list which is updated hourly. I was ranked 16 at some point yesterday- not that I'm obsessing or anything. Let's hope the ranking translates into real royalties!