A few people who write educational books have commented to me that the thing that puts them off writing fiction is the fact that when you write some or, in many cases, a full novel you do so in the hope of being published. This is different from educational and non-fiction publishing, where you tend to write a proposal or be commissioned, and, only once you have an agreement/ contract and or advance, do you work on the text itself. It's a surer deal.
Now, I can definitely see the logic in this, as in this instance, you know that you will be paid for your work. Increasingly, I'm finding myself so busy with my non-fiction work that I'm finding less and less time to dedicate to my fiction, especially with the day job too, and sometimes, it's just easier to work on something I know I can sell.
That's partly why I've applied to do an MA in Creative Writing. I figure that, at least with an MA course, I'll have a definite agenda and will have to designate time to the craft of writing and at the end of it, I'll have a qualification and have gained valuable insights. Let's hope I get accepted onto the course. For now, in an effort to combat my reliance on non-fiction work, I am reserving two hours a week for fiction. I've said it now, so you can all hold me to it!
Susan asked me recently how my fiction submissions are going, so in answer to her query, all I can say is they're still going. (I momentarily pondered the meaning of submission and thought it apt given what we writers endure when sending off manuscripts to publishers and agents.) I wonder whether I should be more systematic about it all and do a table, mail merge and send out thousands of letters at once. I know this is how some people operate but I'm just not like that; I tend to research things and target submissions to particular agents who look like they'd go for my work, and, so far, I've had some positive responses to query letters. I'm just waiting to hear back regarding manuscripts at the moment. Don't worry, folks, if ever my fiction does take off, you will be amongst the first to hear!
Meanwhile, I've just taken on three more titles for Classroom Resources and am waiting on two other potential educational projects.