Well, I'm back from Scotland, where I had a lovely time. The nephews were very entertaining and it was just nice to get away. My eyes have been opened to what boys aged seven, eight and three seem to like, I've been introduced to a world of movies I didn't even know existed and I've been tired out with walking and running.
I'd never heard of Bionicles before or Sonic or Spy Kids and now I have. I'd never seen a three year old dressed as spiderman and pretend to spray webbing on me; I'd never heard the word coo-ol used so often and I'd never heard such interesting explanations for freckles, but I'm glad to say now I have and I feel all the more enlightened for it.
Today, I received my first advance copy of my York Notes and others are due to arrive soon. It's great to see the actual book, itself and I can't wait to see copies in Waterstones.
Airport security was tighter on the way up to Scotland than down but even so I got through both ways without being body searched-must be my innocent looking face :-)
Now, back to the writing.