Today has been a purging day. I've been to the tip a.k.a the dump a.k.a the refuse place (for all you international people) with a whole load of boxes. Decluttering, I am convinced, is good for the soul but it's no good for writing- I've done none today. Zero, zilch, nada!
I could stay up late into the night writing or I could rest my weary bones after all the lugging I've done. I have a feeling I'll opt for the latter.
I bumped into a couple of friends I'd not seen in months at the tip- I have therefore deduced that the tip is the place to be on a Friday afternoon.
It's six p.m, I'm tired and there's no food in the house so I shall survive on some fruit, put my feet up and try to ignore my neighbour's loud music -which is thankfully quite tasteful. Writing can wait till tomorrow.