Well, only one more unit left for the educational resource for Hodder. Then I can complete the other resource for Classroom Resources and move onto my fiction- at last!
Last week I made a decision which I'm hoping will improve my life. Sometimes the hardest bit is actually making the decision, rather than acting, don't you find?
I've returned to my previous efforts regarding fitness and yesterday and the day before I went to the gym. Today I'm hoping to go swimming.
On a completely unrelated matter, I have a question- if any of you have seen The Break Up or have any experience of people I want to ask you why people play silly games? I'm not a strategist. I'm just plain honest, but I've noticed that lots of people are so caught up in how they appear that they lose sight of the reality.
I actually find these sorts of people a turn off and I'm sure loads of people see right through them. People like to appear to be knowledgeable or give the impression that they're busy, when they're not. I'm not talking about genuinely busy people or genuinely knowledgeable people. I'm talking about people whose whole life centres around an impression of appearing to be this when they're not. However they are insistent on the pretence. Why? I find it strange. Is it an insecurity thing?
I've heard that empty barrels make the loudest noise.
In fact, Alexander Pope wrote:
Words are like leaves; and where they most abound,
Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found.
There are some really great quotations here, related to the idea of simplicity in language, which sort of follow my thread.
If you're looking for precision, look at DBA Lehane's short short fiction site. It's really impressive and his is a good exercise to try. I may just have a go myself.
Okay I'll end- after all, less is more?!! :-)