I'm in Wales at the moment visiting some family members, my two nieces and nephew amongst them who are adorable incidently. My one niece is a tiny three and is the cutest and funniest but then I am biased. She certainly makes up for her small stature with her personality and voice which is LOUD. Of course I am trying to spoil them as any aunt should and have already bought them gifts, and you'll be glad to hear I've got rid of those awful nails. I've also been conned into buying a manicure set to improve my existing nails and am generally being frivolous for once.
Writing wise I'm working on a resource which is due in September, after which I can get back to The View From My Window.
If you've never been to Wales, I highly recommend it. South and especially Mid, West and North Wales are beautiful when it's sunny! If you're looking for seclusion, peace, tranquility and a bit of a retreat it's perfect, and Welsh folk are a friendly lot!
I've used this company before for a cottage and it was really lovely. Highly recommended for writers' retreats!
In fact, Anita Loughrey posted on her blog about the Caerleon Writers' Holiday which, up till then, I'd not known about, and I may opt for this next year. Have a look. It looks action packed.