Things are on the up today, although I did receive a strange email from ebay, which I think is a spoof, so I've alerted ebay to it. Just thought I'd let you all know in case you get one too.
I've completed the synopsis for The View From My Window and am on a bit of a roll with it which is great and I'm keeping up to date with my marking, so so far so good. Yesterday was a bit of a downer but that's life's peaks and troughs for you!
Recently someone on a writers' forum I visit posed the question: why do those of us who have blogs have them? Why did we start them?
I'd be interested to know why all of you started your blogs, if you indeed have one AND whether or not you have websites.
While you're mulling that over, here's a poem I wrote a while ago:
Nursery Rhyme
Ring a ring of soldiers
A group of men with folders
An oil rig an oil rig
We all fall down
Happy writing and reading!
After a doctor's appointment, I am going on a writers' retreat for a few days in Somerset which I'm really looking forward to. Details of it can be found at SCBWI, in case you want to do one some time.... so I shall be blogless probably till Tuesday. Hope I don't suffer withdrawal symptoms.....