At the loss of something related to writing to say, can I recommend two seemingly male films:
1- Mission Impossible iii- which I went to see and thoroughly enjoyed, except for the violent bits where I turned my head and closed my eyes ... and
2- 16 Blocks - which stars the ever talented Bruce Willis and is directed by the same guy who did the Lethal Weapons films.
Neither is a laugh a minute, although 16 Blocks has a funny character in it, but both will have you glued to the screen, in the way that I am hoping to have my readers glued to the pages of The View from My Window.
I don't normally go for such action adventure but let's just call it research for my writing.
Sometimes I actually think I'd be better suited to writing films - I really do visualise my scenes in my head: my first draft of One of a Kind was episodic, seen from different characters' perpectives in the way that one would watch a film with its different scenes. Perhaps this is a good thing. It makes the plot pacier I think. Any views?
My next visit to the cinema has to be to see The Da Vinci Code. With Tom Hanks in it it's bound to be a good 'un.
If you've watched any good films, lately, drop me a line.