Agents are an interesting topic. Every book I've read related to writing says get an agent and I can see why. You don't really want to have to negotiate deals or contracts do you, especially if you don't know what you're doing.
My first novel, unpublished, was written and rewritten, sent and re-sent to agents with no joy. My current novel was started and sent to a few agents and joy of joys one responded with a voice of optimism and a positive and personal comment advising me to make some changes and telling me that if I did so, they'd look at the finished product, so... several months on I'm finishing the book ready to re-send to them. It's been a long process and I'm still not sure they'll take it on but it's been a labour of love.
I'd have a look through the Writer's and Artist's Yearbook or the Writer's Handbook for a list of agents and be clear about what they want, if you want to get started.
I got published in the educational market without an agent. I'm excited to have been commissioned to write York Notes as they're the leading study guide and with the publisher being a trade publisher- Macmillan- the book will be in Waterstones. I'm at the proofing stage and have been really impressed and heartened with the level of input I've been given, regarding images and other aspects, aside from the writing which was clearly my own. My teaching and examining background probably helped with my getting published in the educational market. When I get organised I'll post up some links to my resources and the publishers' sites. For now, happy writing all. It's time to rest. I've still got this awful cold!